4 April 2010 (Sun): Read from
http://yesterday.sg/2010/04/circle-line-open-house/ and got to know about this great happening!
Free entry to National Museum of Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, Peranakan Museum and Singapore Philatelic Museum in celebration of the opening of the Circle Line! Another perk from the National Museum is free entry to "
Quest for Immortality - The World of Ancient Egypt" Exhibition, happened to be the last day too. Out of the 4 museums, we spent one whole day at 3 museums....
Our first stop - National Museum of Singapore
We reached the place at around 10am, went to the Egypt exhibition first and were happy that there was no queue. We were allowed to use camera but no flash was allowed.
Sphinx of Amenhotep III
This statue portrays the king as a sphinx. The royal cartouches engraved on his chest contains elements of his title.
Statue of the God Horus and King Horemheb
Horemheb was believed to be an eaerly incarnation of the god Horus. He sits next to god Horus. Horus is the god of the sky or sun, is depicted with a human body and the head of a falcon.
Mummy of Nes-Khons in cartonnage cover Mummy.
Nes-Khons a noblewoman of the 21 Dynasty died between 25 to 35 years old. X-rays and scans have revealed that 2 other bodies contained within the covering and placed between her legs. These were 2 infants who died just before or after birth, and may be twins.
Mummification was not to preserve a person's body as it had been in life but to create a new body that could last for eternity.
The body was taken to the ibu or Tent of Purification to be washed in a solution of natron (a natural salt that acts as a drying agent by absorbing water) in water to delay decomposition.
The following are "Canopic Jars" that store internal organs that had undergone special treatments.

When we walked out from the exhibition hall, we were shocked to see such a long queue outside and the queue actually went up to the next level.
After that, we explored the other exhibition halls of the museum.
Will continue my museums trip in another post
Very value-for-money western fare at Hougang neighbourhood coffeeshop. Good service, Good food too! :)
For $8.80, I got a hotplate herbed fish with 2 side dishes, a big bowl of thick mushroom soup and a fondue for dessert! Wow!!
Dad ordered fried rice with pork chop and egg