If you want to order sashimi here, first you can do your marketing at the "Fish Mart". Choose whatever fish/ seafood (nicely sealed, with clearly labelled price tag) you want from the chilled case and pass them to the chef and he will slice the fish and serve to you what you had ordered in a nice presented plate of sashimi. The sashimi here are very fresh. We ordered our favourite selections - salmon and swordfish. Besides the sashimi, we ordered tempura, potato salad, seafood miso soup, agadashi tofu, shishamo. Total cost around $50 for two.
By the way, we also saw Adrian Pang and Wang Xiang Pin at the restaurant. Many turned their attention to them and for a while, our order was delayed.. but not really an issue lah. The meal was overall quite satisfying. There is another branch at Parkway Parade too, maybe next time can go there and try.
The kitchen is those open-concept type and the dining place, is a bit small which is just beside the kitchen area. After you meal, you may want to shop at their mini-mart which sell a wide varieties of Jap tibits.